北海道新幹線効果 大間の人気ツアー|英語学習コラム|おすすめ英語学習ブログ|マンツーマン英会話・仏会話スクールのロゼッタストーン・ラーニングセンター


北海道新幹線効果 大間の人気ツアー

北海道新幹線効果 大間の人気ツアー


The 26th of April saw the one-month anniversary of the opening of the Hokkaido Shinkansen line between Shin-Aomori and Shin Hakodate-Hokuto.

In Aomori Prefecture, tours that combine travel by the Shinkansen to Hakodate with travel to Oma by ferry are very popular.

Also in the Tsugaru Area, where cherry blossom festivals are quite lively, many Shinkansen-using tourists can be seen, their flow increasing steadily.



However, with the number of tourists increasing steadily, and the local facilities limited in size and scope, the effect of the new Shinkansen line is becoming a point of discussion.


開業から1カ月で実施され たツアーは約30本で、約1300人が大間町を訪れた。
Tours by ferry to Oma City that have been carried out in the one month from the opening of business have used about 30 ferry lines, and brought about 1300 people to the town of Oma.

By the end of the year there are scheduled to be about 300 ferry lines, bringing about 12,000 people if all is implemented according to plan.

While the number of tourists is increasing, a number of them are using sightseeing buses to continue on to their destinations, and therefore not staying overnight in Oma City. Therefore, many of the surrounding shops and restaurants have been selling seafood lunches to the tourists who are only passing through. This is one of the effects of the new Shinkansen line.

 大間崎で海産物を販売する「さつ丸商店」の店主新田さつ子さん(65)は「毎日のように観光バスが来るが、客は急ぎ足で次の目的地に行ってしまう」とい う。
Satsuko Nitta, the 65-year old owner of a seafood shop in Omazaki, was quoted as saying "It seems like every day big tourist buses come, then the tourists run off in a hurry to their destinations."

ある民宿の経営者は「青森方面から北上してきていた観光客が減っている。新幹線開業ブームで下北観光をやめて北海道中心の旅行へ行ってしまったのか」 と嘆く。
The manager of a local inn expressed lament, saying "There has been a decrease in tourists coming from Aomori. Because of the opening of the new Shinkansen & the following boom, tourists are traveling right to the heart of Hokkaido, and have stopped coming here."

Mitsuo Omi, the chairman of the Oma City Tourism Association, said "We're grateful that many tourists are now coming to Oma City, but they are only staying for about 2 hours, then moving on. We have to think about some way to bring them back as repeat customers."

転載:Yahoo ニュース

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