



After Listening for Over Eight Thousand Hours...

Let me tell you a little bit about my life, if I could. Every week from Tuesday through Saturday, for about 40 hours in total, I listen to people speak English. As a teacher, I don't really talk too much, mostly listen. In my thinking, if students want to listen to English, they can really do that anywhere, via CDs or on the Internet. Students who make an effort to come all the way to class don't simply want to be listening passively to English; they want a chance to speak. Therefore, in my classes, I'm usually the one listening passively. I say "passively," but as a matter of fact, I focus intensely on the grammar I hear. Because of this focus, and my many hours of experience, I have come to see a pattern common in many students' speech.

The Tendency to Drop the Subject or Verb:

The pattern I have noticed is this: many students, especially those who speak hastily, forget to include a subject or verb in their sentences. Here's a perfect example:

私: So, what did you do at the beach?
私: じゃあ、海岸で何をしたんですか?
生徒: Cooked meat. Swam.
生徒: 焼かれた肉。泳ぐ(の過去形)。
Correct (with subjects): I cooked meat. I swam.

私: What kind of place is your hometown?
私: あなたの故郷はどんな所?
生徒: Small town. Mountains, mountains.
生徒: 小さい町。山、山。
Correct (with verbs): It is a small town. There are many mountains.

As survival English, this is OK, of course. But I have noticed that beginners who speak like this have real trouble improving in the future. I don't want to speak too strongly, but I do want to let all of the readers of this column know the pattern I have seen in my years of teaching: While there are some students who think before talking and make great sentences, there are others who casually drop the subjects and verbs from sentences on a regular basis. Such students, I have found, are more likely, eventually, to lose interest in English and give up completely.

The Riverbed In Your Head:

To make an analogy, we can think of the brain as a riverbed. As you develop your English ability, patterns are carved into this riverbed. Things, ways of speaking you repeat now become easier to repeat in the future. If you develop the habit of speaking in incomplete sentences now, that habit will stay with you far into the future.

So, Slowly and Carefully...

The main point here is: If you'd really like to enjoy English and get better and better, making full and complete sentences is so important. Even if you can't answer questions quickly, that's OK! Just line up the subject, verb and object in your head before speaking, even if it takes time. Laying down good speaking habits for the future is infinitely more important than speaking quickly. It will make your English future brighter and more full of potential.


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