Wife Carrying - フィンランドの驚愕行事!|英語学習コラム|おすすめ英語学習ブログ|マンツーマン英会話・仏会話スクールのロゼッタストーン・ラーニングセンター


Wife Carrying - フィンランドの驚愕行事!

Wife Carrying - フィンランドの驚愕行事!


昔、昔、フィンランドのある小さな村に、かつてヘルッコ・ロスボ・ロンカイネンと言う名の男がいました。この男、周辺の村を襲っては食料などの物品を略奪する盗賊団を仕切っていたことで、当時は名の通っていた泥棒だったのです。この盗賊たちは、村々から女性たちをも拉致し、その手口は盗賊のメンバー1人1人が、捕らえた女性を背中に抱え走り去るというもので、村人たちから怒号されていました。この略奪行為が「wife stealing (妻の強奪)と呼ばれていました。
Long, long ago in a small village in Finland, there once was a man named Herkko Rosvo-Ronkainen. This man, a well-known thief at the time, had a band of men who would attack surrounding villages and steal things such as food. They were also accused of stealing women from these villages with each thief carrying a captured woman on his back and running away. This practice was called "wife stealing".

The above story may or may not be 100% true. It is considered legend by most Finns and is only one of three folktales which surround the possible origin of modern "wife stealing". The other two theories are: Men from neighboring villages, not Herkko and his bandits, may have stolen women to take as wives. The final theory is that neighboring men would steal the wives of other men and take the women as wives for themselves.

Wife Carryingとは

これらの3つの民間伝承のうちどれを信じるかは、あなた次第です。しかしながら、これらの民間伝承から、「wife stealing(妻の略奪)」から「wife carrying(奥様運び)」と形を変えて、フィンランドで競技として催される様になりました。1992年からフィンランドのソンカヤルヴィで開催されているこの競技は毎年7月に開かれ、結婚しているカップルの間では大人気となっています。
Whatever truth lies in any of those three folktales is up to the listener. However, said folktales spawned a modern competition in Finland which changed from "wife stealing" to "wife carrying", and has been a very popular event among married couples every July since 1992 in Sonkajarvi, Finland.

この競技は、2つの乾燥したエリアと1つの水のエリアからなる特設障害コースで争われます。夫が妻を背中に抱え、特設の障害コースを競い合う競技です。この競技では、妻を抱えて運ぶ姿勢がいくつかあります:Piggy-back[ピギーバック]、これはおんぶや肩車の態勢で運びます。そしてEstonian-style[エストニアスタイル](女性が逆さまにぶら下がる様な態勢で、その際女性の両足は男性の両肩にかかり、両腕は男性の腰の周りをガッチリと掴んでいる姿勢です) ゴールは、妻を背負ったまま、ゴールラインを通過することでフィニッシュです。
The competition is a special obstacle course with two dry sections and one water section. Each husband is expected to carry his wife through the course on his back. There are several styles of carrying: Piggy-back, over the shoulder, and Estonian-style (the woman hangs upside down with her legs over her husband's shoulders, holding onto his waist with her arms). The goal is to make it through to the finish line with your wife still on your back.

Some of the rules are: The wife may be your own, a neighbor's, or found "further afield". She must be at least 17 years old. The minimum weight of each wife must be 49 kilograms. All participants must enjoy themselves.

And what is the prize for winning you may ask? Well, aside from bragging rights, the main prize is your wife's weight . . . in beer.

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