アメリカ人にとって大晦日はビッグイベントです。新しい人生のスタートを切るチャンスです。なのでアメリカ人は新年の抱負を決めるのが大好き。 禁煙を誓ったり、ダイエット、白砂糖を食べない、などなど。アメリカ人は再出発したり、"新たに始める"ことが好きなので、とても人気のある祝日です。古い習慣を捨て、今までとは違う、よりよい自分になるようやり直すチャンスなのです。
New Year's Eve is a big event in America, a chance to have a new start in your life. People love to make New Year's Resolutions. They vow to quit smoking, lose weight, stop eating white sugar, et cetera. Americans love to re-invent themselves and "start anew" every chance they get, so this is a very popular holiday! A chance to leave your old habits behind and re-invent yourself into a different, better person.
"Watching the Ball Drop" is a very popular event. In Times Square in New York, a giant ball on a track is slowly dropped from above as midnight approaches. It is televised across the US. In the final 10 seconds of the year, the ball slowly drops, and people do a countdown. I used to watch the ball drop almost every year with my family on TV when I was in America.
New Year's Eve is a chance to drink with your friends or family, and leave your old self behind with the old year. I hope you can make some nice resolutions next year!
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