Imagine you are taking the train to an important meeting with a client. However, there's an accident and the train stops, and you realize that you will miss the meeting. You must connect with your client and tell them as soon as possible. In this situation, it's important to apologize and give a simple explanation:
I'm very sorry, but there's been a train accident and I can't make our meeting. Please understand.
In this situation, the problem was unexpected and out of your control. It's very likely your apology will be accepted.
However, what can you say when you do make a mistake? Imagine you double-booked two meetings and have to call and cancel one of them? If the appointment is scheduled a week or more in the future, you may say something like this:
I'm so sorry, but I'm afraid I have to cancel our appointment. Another meeting has come up that I must attend. Please accept my apologies.
If you realize you are double-booked with less than a week to reschedule, your apology should be very strong and preferably done over the phone:
I'm calling because I accidentally double-booked myself for our meeting this week. I'm so sorry for the oversight.
Good luck the next time you have to cancel plans!