Halloweenとは? 意外と知られていない、ハロウィンの意味。|英語学習コラム|おすすめ英語学習ブログ|マンツーマン英会話・仏会話スクールのロゼッタストーン・ラーニングセンター


Halloweenとは? 意外と知られていない、ハロウィンの意味。

Halloweenとは?  意外と知られていない、ハロウィンの意味。


It's amazing how little-known it is. The meaning of Halloween.

ハロウィンは、キリスト教の行事で毎年11月1日にあらゆる聖人(諸聖人)を記念する祝日の前夜祭の事を言います。 秋の収穫を祝い、悪霊などを追い出すお祭りです。
Halloween is the name for the festival held the night before November 1st. November 1st being an event held each year by The Church of England to commemorate holy saints. Halloween is a festival to celebrate the harvest, and to drive away evil spirits.


その語源は、Hallow(神聖な)+ een(even=evening)諸聖人はAll Hallow'sと言います。その前日である事からAll Hallow's Eveと呼ばれていたのが、Hallow E'enとなり、短縮されてHalloweenと呼ばれるようになりました。
A word about the etymology: Hallow (meaning "holy") + een (a different spelling of e'en, or evening). The saints of The Church of England were called "All Hallow's." The evening before their celebration day was called "All Hallow's Evening. For short, Hallow E'en. For even shorter, Halloween.


For the Celtic people, the final day of the year was October 31st. It was also seen as the end of summer and the beginning of winter, and it was believed that the ghosts of dead people would visit their family houses around this time. People put on masks & built bonfires to protect themselves from those ghosts (as well as witches).

Trick or Treatの由来

The Origin of "Trick or Treat"

仮装した子どもたちが街を練り歩き、玄関のドアをたたき"Trick or Treat"と言ってお菓子をねだるのは、祭り用の食料をもらって歩いた農民の様子を真似たものです。
Children in costumes parade around the cities, knocking on doors and saying "Trick or Treat!" and then receive candy. This is very similar to the way that, in the original festival of All Hallow's Evening, farmers would go around and gather foods to be used at the festival.


A Comparative Look at Halloween Around the World

In England...

Halloween より Guy Fawkes Day/Night ガイ・フォークス・デー(11/5)の方が盛んになり、今はあまりお祝いされません。ですが、スコットランド、アイルランド、マン島、ウェールズでは盛んです。
Guy Fawkes Day (or Night, held on November 15th) is generally celebrated more than Halloween. But Halloween is celebrated greatly in Scotland, Ireland, the Isle of Man and Wales.

In America...

In the modern age, Halloween has become seen as primarily an American holiday.

The original meaning of the festival--and the connection with religion--has all but been lost.

Pumpkins are emptied of their insides and displayed as "Jack 'o Lanterns," children dress up like witches or ghosts and visit nearby houses to receive candy.

The cities are decorated in orange and black, with black cats, skeletons, spiders and spider webs.

Adults take part in parades, and also celebrate Halloween by taking part in church festivals.


In Japan...

Recently, Halloween has become fixed as a popular Japanese holiday. Department stores and restaurants are decorated with Halloween themes, and many Halloween goods are sold.

日本で初めてハロウィンパレードを実施したのは、「原宿キディランド」(東京の原宿のおもちゃ屋)です。 原宿表参道は元祖日本のハロウィンとも言われ、毎年パレードがあります。
The first group to carry out a Halloween Parade in Japan was "Harajuku Kiddyland" (a toy store in the Harajuku District of Tokyo). Harajuku is said to be the originator of Halloween in Japan, and a parade is done there every year.


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