【解説動画】ネイティブ英語フレーズ #2『Put away』|英語学習コラム|おすすめ英語学習ブログ|マンツーマン英会話・仏会話スクールのロゼッタストーン・ラーニングセンター


【解説動画】ネイティブ英語フレーズ #2『Put away』

 【解説動画】ネイティブ英語フレーズ #2『Put away』

Explanation Video #2 "PUT AWAY"

<English Subtitles>

Welcome back everyone.

Today's phrase is PUT AWAY.

PUT AWAY means "to store something where it usually belongs."

So for example: to put away groceries means to put them in the fridge, put them in the kitchen cupboards, put them where they belong.

It's used to organize or to clean.

Another way to use put away is when you want someone to stop using something.

So if I'm using my phone, my mom says "put away your phone!"

Stop using your phone.

So these are two ways to use PUT AWAY in everyday conversation.

Alright, that's it for today.

See you again next time.

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