The American Version of "Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu!"
アメリカの "明けましておめでとうございます!" とは?
In America, people simply say "Happy New Year!" to each other. They usually say it just after midnight on December 31st, and on January 1st and 2nd. After that, people stop saying it. In Japan, at work or school, if people meet their friends or co-workers, they continue saying "Akemashite Omedeto" even after the first three days of January. However, in America, there is a habit to stop saying "Happy New Year" after about the first three days.
アメリカでは12月31日大晦日の深夜0時をすぎた時から1~2日にかけて、"Happy New Year!"(明けましておめでとう!)と言い合い新しい年を祝福します。 日本では仕事や学校などで同僚や友人と会うと3日以降でも新年のあいさつをしますよね、でもアメリカでは3日を過ぎたら、新年のあいさつはあまりしない習慣があります。
New Years Food and Drinks:
Christmas dinner is very formal in America, featuring gorgeous and expensive food. New Years Eve dinner, on the other hand, is much more casual. People usually order pizza with their friends, or just eat snacks while drinking beer. Beer and wine are big drinks on New Years Eve!
Spending time with close family:
New Years Eve and New Years Day are traditionally spent with family. Many Americans don't like to travel around the New Years Holiday. Therefore, they don't go to see their extended family--only close family like parents and siblings. In Japan, people go and visit relatives who live far away. However, generally Americans don't do this, but rather spend time with their parents and siblings.
New Years Resolutions:
New Years is not a religious holiday, so people don't go to church to swear to keep their New Years Resolutions. However, many people post their New Years Resolutions on Facebook or other social media sites, hoping that the social pressure they will feel will help them keep their promises!
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