Easter Sundayって何?
What is Easter Sunday?
アメリカ合衆国では、Easter Sunday(復活祭の祝日)は、イエス・キリストの復活を祝うキリスト教の儀式です。
In the United States, Easter Sunday is the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Christians believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead three days after he was crucified.
The Christian symbols for Easter are: Eggs, hares or rabbits, nests, and lambs.
Many of theses symbols represent re-birth, new life, and fertility (spring).
Some people celebrate Easter by attending special church services, decorating eggs and sometimes having Easter egg hunts.
Easter eggs come in many types: Hard boiled, plastic, or chocolate/candy.
Hard boiled eggs are painted with many bright colors. They are also peeled and eaten with salt.
Plastic Easter eggs are very colorful too. These eggs usually have candy or small toys inside of them.
Chocolate Easter eggs have bright wrappers. These eggs can be solid chocolate or hollow inside.
During an Easter egg hunt, adults or "the Easter Bunny" hide the eggs. The Easter Bunny is a rabbit or hare who hides Easter eggs and gives children chocolate or candy.
Once the Easter eggs are hidden, children race to find and collect as many eggs as possible in their baskets. These baskets are usually filled with confetti-like colored paper to represent a bird's nest.
Easter egg hunts can be big community events in some cities. Many businesses or churches hold Easter egg hunts to promote themselves. Even the White House holds an Easter egg hunt every year!
Easter comes from an old tradition of celebrating the return of spring.
Originally, pagans would hold spring festivals to celebrate re-birth, fertility, and renewal and to welcome the spring.
キリスト教徒の伝統であるイエス・キリストの十字架上の死を記念する日である聖金曜日(Good Friday)と復活祭の日(Easter Sunday)が異教徒の伝統と調和し今日我々が知る祝日となったのです。
Christian traditions of Jesus Christ's crucifixion (Good Friday) and resurrection (Easter Sunday) mixed with these pagan traditions and became the holiday we know today.
Easter is not a federal holiday. On Easter Sunday, many people still work and many businesses are still open, but some shops and stores do close.
Most public transit systems still run on their usual weekend schedules, but it would be best to check if there have been any scheduling changes before heading out on Easter.