




Be Careful with Japanese-style English!

日本では、英語に由来する外来語や いわゆる和製英語がたくさん使われています。たとえば、「ミルク」のように、あまり意味が変わらないものもありますが、多くは違った意味で使われています。
In Japan, there are a lot of words in use that come from English, so called "Japanese-style English" words. For example, a word like "Miruku," many people can't understand the meaning simply by looking at or listening to it, so it's used incorrectly quite frequently.

「アルバイト」は英語では"part-time job" と言います。この言葉は、ドイツ語で「働く」という動詞"arbeit" からきています。
"Arubaito," if transalted into English, is "part-time job." But it actually comes from the German verb "to work." It is spelled "arbeit" in German.

また、英語で"bike" といえば自転車かオートバイかのどちらかを意味しますが、日本語の「バイク」は、オートバイだけを指します。
Also, the English word "bike" brings up images of a bicycle or motorcycle in English, but in Japanese, it's only used to mean "motorcycle."

When it comes to Japanese words like this, it is easy to accidentally use them in a way that is not at all in line with their original meaning. When you speak English, it's good to be careful with these kinds of words. You may use them in a way that you entirely did not intend to.

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Words That Have Different Meanings In Japanese & English

Viking / バイキング

もしあなたが、自分で取る形式の食べ放題 を言いたいなら、英語では"buffet" を使います。viking というのはこれです。
If you'd like to describe a situation in which you can take as much food & eat as much food as you want, you will want to use the word "buffet" in English. "Viking" has the following meaning:


It's a word that is related to a group of pirates who terrorized Northern Europe from the Germanic Era (not related to food).

Well, in that case, where did the Japanese word "Baikingu" come from?

それは、当時 海賊を描いた"The Vikings" という映画のイメージが、食べ放題という新しい食のスタイルと重なったことが始まりでした。"buffet" では日本語で発音しにくいこともあり、「バイキング」と呼ばれるようになりました。
It came from the fact that there was a movie called "The Vikings" in which Vikings were depicted eating very vigorously. At the same time, all-you-can-eat style dining was becoming popular. Also, "buffet" is very hard to pronounce for Japanese people, so people decided to call all-you-can-eat, vigorous dining "Viking" style dining.

Mansion / マンション

If you tell someone "I live in a mansion," you'll probably be thought of as a very rich person.

なぜなら、英語でmansion というのは、芸能人やスターが住んでいるような大豪邸を指すからです。
Why, you ask? Because in English, "mansion" brings to mind a gorgeous palace where an artist or star might live.


もちろん こんな大邸宅に住めるのは一部の人で、ほとんどの人が、集合住宅の一部を借りて住んでいますよね。こういう場合は英語では"apartment" を使います。
Of course, only a few people live in true mansions. Most people live in a big building, of which they rent a small part. This kind of place is called an "apartment" in English.

One piece / ワンピース

If you happen to go shopping in English, and ask the staff "Where are the one pieces?" you may be led to the swimwear department!


英語では普通、a one pieceというと水着のワンピースを指します。洋服で探すなら、"a dress" を使いましょう。
In English, a one piece is usually thought of as an article of swimwear for women. If you're looking for western-style clothes, you should say "Where are the dresses?"


Japanese-style English words that don't actually exist

Jet coaster / ジェットコースター

"salary man" "OL (office lady)" と同じく、jet coaster という言葉は英語にはありません。何のことかと思われるでしょう。
Just like "salary man" and "OL (office lady)", there is no such word as "jet coaster" in English. People might wonder "What do you mean by that?"


遊園地のジェットコースターは、"roller coasters" と言います
The large scary attractions in amusement parks are called "roller coasters."

Three sizes / スリーサイズ 

When you get western-style clothes custom made for yourself, your "three sizes" are usually measured, right?


three sizes というのは、何か意味がはっきりしません。何のサイズ?と思われます。だから服を仕立てるときは、お店の人には "measurements" を伝えてください。
The word "three sizes" doesn't have a clear meaning in English. "What sizes?" is something people might think. Therefore, when you go to a tailor, tell the clerk your "measurements" (rather than three sizes).

Japanese words which have a different meaning in English

Anime / アニメ

「アニメ」は、もちろん英語の"animation" からきている言葉ですが、近ごろでは少し変わってきています。
"Anime" is a word that definitely came from the English word "animation." But recently, the meaning changed a little.


英語で anime というと、ジブリの「千と千尋の神隠し」のように日本のアニメを指し、ディズニー映画のアラジンのようなものはcartoon という傾向にあります。
If you say "anime" in English, people will think of something like "Spirited Away" from Studio Ghibli. To refer to Disney-style movies such as "Alladin," people have a tendency to say "cartoon."

Sensei / 先生

If you say "sensei" in Japanese, it could mean a doctor or a teacher, or anyone who is very advanced in their field. However, in English:


・・・武道の指導者だけを sensei と呼ぶのです。ですから英語の講師を"ジョーンズ先生"と呼んだりすると、勘違いしてしまうかもしれません。
People only call teachers of martial arts "sensei." Therefore, if you call your English teacher "Jones Sensei," you might be taken the wrong way.

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There's a bunch more words like those above. Have you ever noticed yourself mis-using words such as these in actual conversation?

ネイティブのような発音で、もう聞き返されない 英語の発音が身につくハミングバード
英語を身につけるなら、マンツーマン英会話教室 ロゼッタストーン・ラーニングセンター
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