25日放送の「5時に夢中!」(TOKYO MX)で、マツコ・デラックスが、病院に行かなかった貧乏時代を後悔する場面があった。
During the broadcast of a talk show on the 25th of April, there was a scene in which Matsuko Deluxe expressed regret over not going to the hospital very much during the time when she was young & poor.
That section of the program took it's theme from an article titled "Medical Treatment for under 2,000 Yen" that was featured in a newspaper article recently.
According to the article, a total of 40.9% of those surveyed had had the experience of deciding against certain medical treatments for economic reasons. There were people who decided to forgo blood tests, as well as people who decreased the amount of medicine they were taking.
In response to this, Matsuko (speaking from personal experience) was quoted as saying "When I was young, I couldn't go to the hospital. I didn't have money, and there were one or two years when I didn't have a health-insurance card."
She went on to reflect and say "When I think about it now, I feel that I was really stupid back then. She said that she thought "I'll somehow become successful someday, then, if I have a lot of money, I can just get a lot of medical treatment then."
Looking back on such a past, Matsuko said "The fact that I didn't get medical treatments back then, I totally regret that now."
"If you have any sort of means or extra cash, you should prioritize medical care" was her parting advice for viewers.