




Pancakes and Hotcakes. They look the same, so why are the names different?

"Pancakes are sweet and hotcakes are not" was one explanation that I found, but certainly "Hawaiian Pancakes" are definitely sweet, so that explanation doesn't seem reliable.

The heart of the issue is the word "Hotcake." In reality, this is a Japanese-made English word.


"Hotcake" is Japanese English!

パ ンケーキは、もともと「(オーブンを使わず)フライパンでできる簡便なケーキ」という意味。
A "pancake" originally meant "a simple cake that doesn't require an oven (only a frypan).

ホットケーキはフライパン(今は温度管理のしやすいホットプ レートも)を使って作るので、パンケーキの一種なのです。
A hotcake can also be made in a frypan (or even on a hotplate), therefore a hotcake is one type of pancake.

Real pancakes are not sweet, and can even be eaten as a replacement for a true meal.

So, where does a "hotcake" stand?...

じゃ あ、ホットケーキは「甘いパンケーキ」の日本での呼び方? となりそうですが、1931(昭和6)年に発売された日本初の「ホットケーキの素」は、まだパンケーキが一般的でなかった為、使用する粉がまんじゅう作り などにも使えるよう、砂糖を配合していない、甘くないものでした。......「甘いパンケーキ=ホットケーキ」の図式がここで崩れます。
So, is "hotcake" just Japanese for "a sweet pancake?" You might be likely to think that, however, think about the first hotcake mix ever sold in Japan. It started to be sold in 1931, a time at which pancakes were not yet generally popular. For this reason, the manufacturers did not include sugar in the mix (so that it could also be used to make manju, a traditional Japanese snack). Therefore, it was not sweet. Therefore, the argument "Hotcake = Sweet Pancake" crumbles to the ground.

ところ で、パンケーキやホットケーキの素など、あらかじめ小麦粉の他、様々な種類の粉を配合してあるものを総称して「プレミックス(Prepared Mix)」と言います。
By the way, for the raw materials of pancakes or hotcakes, people use a mixture of flour and other ingredients called "Prepared Mix."

The great benefit of using it is that you can make pancakes or hotcakes without having to think about the measurement amounts of all the various flours and ingredients (or buy a bunch of flours and end up not using them).

Prepared Mix is not only for sweets, it's the same kind of thing as "Tempura Mix" or "Okonomiyaki Mix." They are all types of prepared mix.

However, the most popular use of prepared mix is for sweets.

The first prepared mix to come into the world was released in 1848, and composed of wheat flour, tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate (one component of baking powder).

The specific blend of flours & ingredients fell under an American patent.

The first commercially-available prepared mix, in essence, was a simple cake mix (also able to be used as a hotcake or pancake mix). In this way, cake mix was at the beginning of it all.

When the first sugar-fortified "Hotcake Mix" came to the Japanese market, it was around 1950, when home cooking in Japan was beginning to be influenced by the west.

From the 1950s onward, people began to make hotcakes at home.


The Philosophical Punchline

If you happened to dare to try and explain the difference between pancakes and hotcakes, it might go something like this:


In the world of pancake-making, if the person making it (or the company producing the mix) calls it a "Hotcake," then it's a "Hotcake."

The truth of whether it's a pancake or a hotcake, however, lies only in the heart of the chef. I'll leave you with this as a parting explanation. It's simple, yet deep.


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